
Голосувати за проєкт
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Тип: Incast
Rate: x9999
Статус: Онлайн
Онлайн: 33
Голоси: 35
Соц. мережі:
Додано: 20/05/24
At startup:
Level 150 character.
Free Fair - Paid (donate store/shop)
Dressed character in p1 (Sharpened, fused, ready for combat).
Upgraded build
Speed Start Fly
All profession skills / Hell and Heaven.
Maximum inventory, bank, closet, pet cells.
Game PvP / Party/PVP / Zerg
Custom titles / custom titles
Custom weapons
(Weapons with unique effects, styles with beautiful animations)
Unique flights
Huge selection of styles
Several types of sets (R1 start - R2 farming - R3 Donate. *)
Various types of farming
Allowed to use the programs Uopilot, Oskar Edit
In the clan (30/40/60) people.