IncrediblePW 1.5.0 & 1.7.2

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Website: incredible-pw.ruPlay


Type: FullCast
Rate: x9999
Status: Online
Online: 300
Votes: 71
Social Networks:
Added: 19/05/24
Server version 1.5.0
Availability of both PvP and PvE content
3 races, 6 classes available for the game
Level 300 at start
Maximum level 1000 (leveling up through gameplay for server quests)
Qualitative balance of classes
Attack speed 5.0
Singing time -99
At the start, a full set of Donat armor (in inventory) and 2 rings for 1000 stat
Territory wars every day (you only need to stay in the clan for 24 hours before TV)
Lots of unique equipment
Final Stones: +50 Constitution
Bonuses for moving clans and const parties